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Office of the Sherriff





The members of the Ocean County Sheriff's Office are committed to providing law enforcement services that are fair, effective and impartially applied. It is in the best interest of everyone that your complaint about the performance of an individual officer/employee is resolved fairly and promptly.
The Ocean County Sheriff's Office has formal procedures for investigating your complaint. These procedures ensure fairness and protect the rights of both citizens and law enforcement officers/employees.
  • Your complaint will be sent to a superior officer or a specially trained internal affairs officer who will conduct a thorough and objective investigation.
  • You might be asked to help in the investigation by giving a detailed statement about what happened or providing other important information.
  • All complaints against law enforcement officers/employees are thoroughly investigated. You will be advised, in writing, of the outcome of the investigation.
  • If our investigation results in an officer/employee being charged with a violation of department rules, you might be asked to testify in a department hearing.
  • If our investigation shows that the complaint is unfounded or that the officer/employee acted properly, the matter will be closed.
  • All disciplinary hearings shall be closed to the public unless the defendant officer/employee requests an open hearing.
You may contact the Professional Standards Unit at 732-929-2189 with any additional information or any questions about this case.

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It is unlawful to provide information in this matter which you do not believe to be true.
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02/18/2025Click to Sign

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