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Ocean County COVID-19 Impact and Risk of Homelessness Attestation



Please complete this form to the best of your ability. One form is required per household.

Households must demonstrate a negative economic impact from the pandemic, such as unemployment, increased food or housing instability, or low- to moderate-income, in order to receive certain services supported by Ocean County's Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds plan.

Inquiries about this form can be addressed to Any other questions should be directed to your service provider.


Full Name

How has the COVID-19 pandemic (since March 2020) affected your household's income or assets? Check all that apply.

What significant expenses have you had due to the COVID-19 pandemic (since March 2020)? Check all that apply.

Have you or a member of your household experienced any of the following housing risks? Check all that apply for any household members over the age of 18.

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